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Honda CRX



Featured Chop
Honda CRX "C-REX"

This would have to be the chop which I am most proud of. It began when I found a smashed up Honda CRX on the internet, and I had to fix it up.

Please note, I do not have the complete original for this picture, I already began some modifications and was unable to backtrack far enough to the original, therefore the lights are grayed out.

After I thought up some ideas, I began to implement them, the first thing was fixing that smashed up bonnet, and those smashed up lights!

As I always do, I have brushed the kit on the C-REX, this is the art of using the brush tool to create your own imaginitive bodkits. As I am still learning I did not want to go too insane with the design.

As I was able to find rims rather easily, I decided to place them on immediately, they were nice when I picked them, but after a few comments stating they are 'not that hot' I decided to source some newer ones. Below are the older rims, and the mods stated just above.

After these mods, I thought I was done, I posted it on PCN and was sorely mistaken. The community had other ideas for this car, so I simply had to include them. They wanted to see the usual HID lighting and some wide body. I managed to find a cop car to give the chop a bit more 'action' so I chucked that in. Below is their first load of ideas put into action.

After I posted it up again, they still, you guessed it, unhappy. They still wanted more! After listening to their ideas, I decided it was time to change the rims, and get rid of that ugly wide body flare! I cranked up photoshop and popped on a few more mods, this was (I said) the last time I was gonna update this.

Finally, they were happy, but now I was not! It still didnt seem quite complete, and the cop car, I believe was ... sort of on the wrong angle. I cranked up photoshop, yet again, fixed the cop car up, and also added a 'mutiply' filter, to give the chop a sort of 'sunset' effect.

Now I was happy, and so were the community at

I believed this was one of my best chops yet, so I decided to make a background for it. Below is the background I made in 3 sizes to suit your screen resolution.

800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x1024

Completed on 20 Jun 2006
© ICE 2006



Website designed and maintained by Michael Chandler

All works on this website are designed and created by Michael Chandler all rights reserved 2006