Latest Work
Subrau WRX

Featured Chop
Honda CRX


Welcome to ICE Designs
ICE Designs is what I suppose you could call a company name, although it is not a registered company of sorts. ICE Designs was created when I began 'photochopping', the art or hobby of virtual tuning.
I stumbled across a website called digimods, here I became aware of this hobby. After searching the web to find out more, tutorials and such, I stumbled across photochop.net. I signed up and needed a name, which I decided to be ICE (ICE stands for In Car Entertainment, and hey, it sounds cool).
After countless virtual tunes, and after the website was sold and purchase by "Spyda", I became a moderator. I still hold this position at the moment and I intend to for as long possible.
On this website, you can see my online portfolio, I hope you enjoy my works.
Have a great day!